“I tell you this: anything you did for one of my brothers here, however humble, you did for me.” Matt. 25 v. 40
Volunteers from JUMC have operated the North Hills Community Cupboard for the past eight years. The cupboard is a satellite of the Mattie Dixon Community Cupboard. When we first began our mission at North Hills we had 5-7 clients a week coming to the cupboard for food. Today we have between 32 and 36 clients a week, many of them are families. We are very busy every Thursday morning during the food distribution and could use extra help. If you would like to volunteer, or would like more information please let Pastor Bob or the office know and he will put you in touch with a volunteer. Some clients are unable to get to the cupboard for various reasons so we have 12 to 15 clients who receive a delivery. We need help with these deliveries too.
We as volunteers know our clients and care about them. We accept them unconditionally and do the very best to serve them in whatever way possible. Either through MDCC or JUMC we have been able to provide rental assistance, utility assistance, car repairs, furniture, Summer Camp scholarships/activities, appliances, gas, clothing and Beds for Kids (Social Worker who is a volunteer makes referrals), etc.
Most of the food we give to our clients comes from MDCC. However, there are certain items that we do not get very often so we are asking for donations to help fill these gaps. COFFEE (instant and ground – no beans please), TEA, SUGAR, DISH WASHING LIQUID, LAUNDRY DETERGENT, SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER, BODY WASH, TOOTHPASTE/TOOTHBRUSHES. Donations can be left in the lobby. Monetary donation checks can be made to JUMC – write North Hills on the memo line. Finally, and most importantly, please pray for our clients they are low income families who face many challenges. NHCC Volunteer Team
Area food pantries answer coronavirus need while dealing with food, volunteer shortages (click here for newspaper article)
In July 2014, JUMC took over the operation of the North Hills Food Cupboard (NHFC). The food cupboard is a satellite service of The Mattie Dixon Food Cupboard of Ambler. Each week the clients receive canned and nonperishable food items, as well as bread and pastries. During the growing season the clients enjoy fresh produce from the JUMC Jesus Victory Garden.
Each fall at JUMC there is a special Thanksgiving canned food drive to to provide the clients with items for Thanksgiving dinner, with the turkeys being provided by Ambler Food Cupboard. We were also able to provide Christmas turkey dinners to our clients.
Volunteers help at the cupboard on Tuesdays (for incoming deliveries) and Thursdays for food distribution and deliveries.