What We Believe: Jarrettown’s Mission & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of Jarrettown Church is to empower all people to become totally committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Vision Statement
Gather – Grow – Serve – Share
“They devoted themselves…to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…praising God.” (Acts 2:42)
We strive to be a church where…
* People come to worship in a friendly environment, they hear a sermon based on the Bible that strengthens their faith in Jesus, are inspired by uplifting music, and want to invite their friends to join them.
* People experience the presence of the living God and are filled with joy and purpose to face the ups and downs of life.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching.” (Acts 2:42)
We strive to be a church where…
* People grow deeper in their faith and in their relationship with Jesus by doing life together.
* People are engaged in ongoing small group and/or Sunday School opportunities to learn and study together.
* Children and youth want to come and have fun learning about Jesus with their friends.
“they gave to anyone as he had need” (Acts 2:45)
We strive to be a church…
* Where people are using their gifts and living out their faith by serving in our church community.
* Where families can experience the joy of working together to help others.
* Where people get together in non-traditional ways to demonstrate the love of Jesus.
“And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)
We strive to be a church where…
* People are so excited, they can’t help but tell others about Jesus.
* People participate in “hands-on” and “off-site” mission projects.
* People are given the resources they need to reach the community.