
Membership in a circle involves opportunities for fellowship, Bible study and service at scheduled meetings, as well as participation in church-wide events. The women contribute financially to a wide range of local missions. We encourage the formation of new circles where our women can expand their expressions of love for each other, the church and our Lord. For more information, email

Esther Circle

Meets 1st Saturday monthly, 9:30 am

Jean Graber and Becky Conrad will be leading Esther Circle (September thru June) . This circle will be mostly a study circle. During the year, we will also participate in mission projects. Contact Jean ( or Becky ( if you’re interested.

Martha Circle

Meets 3rd Monday, monthly 10 am in the JUMC Friendship Center

Programs: Bible Study, Communion Preparation, Mission Projects (such as Laurel House and Caring For Friends). For more information, email

Priscilla Circle

Meets 2nd Tuesday, monthly 11:30 am in the JUMC Friendship Center

Programs: Speakers or Book Study. For more information, email


If you are interested in being a part of the WOJ planning team, contact Jean Graber